和爸爸一起运动 this Father's Day


What better way to celebrate Dad than by doing something that is beneficial to your health? Here are some fun ways for you and Dad to get outdoors and be physically active on his special day:

  • Play his favorite sport with him. 他喜欢高尔夫球吗?? Go to the driving range to hit a round of golf balls. 棒球? 去公园 for a game of catch. 足球? Set up a game of flag football with your family or friends. 足球? Grab a ball and practice together in your yard or at the park. He'll appreciate the thoughtfulness and you'll spend quality time together while being physically active!
  • 帮忙做家务. Give Dad a coupon good for one day of helping him with chores around the house. Offer to help rake leaves, mow the lawn, paint the fence or wash the car. Go the extra mile by offering to do an entire chore for him!
  • 去公园. Spend some quality time outdoors in the fresh air. Whether you're playing on the playground or playing a game of catch, make sure to keep your hearts pumping and bodies moving.
  • 骑自行车旅行. Ride through your neighborhood or community. Ask Dad to point out his favorite parts of town while you point out yours. You'll be physically active while learning a little bit more about each other and your community! If biking isn't an option, walk or roller blade. And remember safety - always wear your helmet and knee pads.
  • Get the Dads together for a game! 问问你的朋友, 邻居, cousins and their dads to meet up for a pickup game of flag football, 篮球, 棒球, 踢球, 网球, 旱冰曲棍球, 等. Pack a healthy picnic or snack to enjoy after the game. Remember to stay hydrated and drink lots of water.
